Thursday, 12 April 2007

Free day

I must really look like a fool now - I certainly do feel like one. Ha! holiday indeed! I'm at work, as usual, writing this 'cos i've just finished my 7th solitaire game this morning. It's an odd thing though - I don't seem to significantly improve on past performances...
I haven't got much work to do today (an euphemistic phrase for I'm totally jobless and bored sick to the eyeballs) and I'm beginnnig to wonder why I'm here. My Boss seemed rather alarmed yesterday when he asked me what I had on my desk and I tactlessly had answered "Nothing". He seemed to ruminate on the problem for a while then got caught in some internal discusssion with himself. When he thinks, my Boss that is, you see the wheels turning, his lips pursed or shaped in some impossible way and the thought processes somewhere behind his eyes. Now what he was thinking when he decided we should all come to work today I don't know.
The text message was sent to my phone at some ungodly hour of the night. "There's work tomorrow" came the Edict.
And I dutifully woke up this morning feeling unusual, as usual, wore my work clothes and set off to join the daily suburban rush.
I really must have been dumb to think I'll have a free day. You must be dumb I guess to get anything for free, that's why it's called free - dom...